Whether you are seeking a traditional analog or digital phone system providing standard features such as auto attendant, call groups and voicemail; or if you require advanced Unified Communications features found in Voice over IP systems such as cell phone forwarding, email integration and call recording, we can meet your business needs.
Allow us to demonstrate the features and functionality of our cost-effective phone system solutions to help you improve your customers’ perception and enhance the relationship and experience between your customers and your employees.
“Down the Hall Technologies has been a terrific support system for Horton Global Strategies for over the past 3 years. Their knowledge of our website is invaluable. They not only understand our concerns, but address them in a quick and efficient manner, thereby saving my company thousands of dollars in unnecessary charges that I would have to spend with other website providers. Horton Global Strategies provides importers and exporters expert support in saving money on ocean transportation service contracts. The key to our success is quick, reliable, and honest customer service. By partnering with Down the Hall Technologies, we are able to accomplish this…and we could not do this as efficiently without the support of Down the Hall Technologies. For any company that wants fast reliable website support with terrific customer service, I would recommend them highly. My business is growing, and they are a big part of my success. I look forward to continuing my relationship with them .” - Steve Horton- Horton Global Strategies LLC.
“Down the Hall Technologies has been a terrific support system for Horton Global Strategies for over the past 3 years. Their knowledge of our website is invaluable. They not only understand our concerns, but address them in a quick and efficient manner, thereby saving my company thousands of dollars in unnecessary charges that I would have to spend with other website providers. Horton Global Strategies provides importers and exporters expert support in saving money on ocean transportation service contracts. The key to our success is quick, reliable, and honest customer service. By partnering with Down the Hall Technologies, we are able to accomplish this…and we could not do this as efficiently without the support of Down the Hall Technologies. For any company that wants fast reliable website support with terrific customer service, I would recommend them highly. My business is growing, and they are a big part of my success. I look forward to continuing my relationship with them .”
- Steve Horton- Horton Global Strategies LLC.